Dating Background Check

You just met someone online. A background check just makes good sense!
There are thousands of success stories from online dating. So many individuals are enjoying the benefits of internet dating sites. Though most online daters have good intentions, some may not. It is important to keep in mind the risks that come along with the benefits of connecting with a potential partner online.
A background check is useful for finding out if a potential date has been honest about themselves in their profile and in conversation. A dating background check can reveal important things like whether someone is married, has a criminal record, a sex offender or felony conviction, declared bankruptcy or has some other significant financial problems.
The goal of finding your “match” is to find someone who has similar interests and a compatible lifestyle to your own. Why not be sure before you get emotionally involved!
A Background Check conducted by a Licensed Private Investigator can protect you from future emotional stress, disappointment, or even physical danger.
All JPI Dating Background Checks are conducted by a team of Licensed Investigators. These reports are not done by a computer! An Investigative Team is needed to verify the accuracy of the information that is being reported.
Self Background Check

Run a Background Check on Yourself
A Self Check allows you to review what potential employers, business partners, creditors, insurers, even private individuals may see when they perform a background check on you. It also allows you to evaluate the accuracy of the data, eliminate errors, and handle disclosure of sensitive information that appears on your report.
What is in a Self Check Report? Name (aliases or AKAs), Social Security Number(s) associated with your name, birthdate(s), associated emails, associated phone numbers (landlines and mobile), associated addresses, counties where you’ve lived, property deeds (past and present), all mortgages and bank data associated with properties (past and present), liens, judgements, UCC filings, evictions, assets, criminal record, driving record, driver’s licenses, voter information, registered weapons, your family members, your associates.
Who needs a Self Check Report? Anyone who is: seeking employment, starting a business, getting married, getting a divorce, dating, buying a house, buying a car, getting a loan, getting insurance, renting a house/apartment, “cleaning up” their credit, in pre/post foreclosure, in pre/post bankruptcy, curious and wants to be informed.
In addition to a 3-Bureau Credit Report* a Self Check Report is essential in getting control over what information is “out there” about you. You can’t fix it if you don’t know it, and why not make it accurate?
Real Estate Background Check

Real Estate Investor…. Is this you?
You come upon a house that is vacant or run-down. It peaks your interest. How do you find the owner?
You stop at the tax assessor’s office to get the owner’s name, the recorder’s office to see what's owed on the property, assessments, mortgage info, etc. Often times it means searching through documents, standing in line, sending letters, and making countless phone calls.
Replace all this work with one easy step. Jackson P.I. Services has developed the “P.I. Verified Search.” Just submit the property address and within 24 hours, we will provide you with the property owner’s name, current address, email address(es), and phone number(s).
We'll also provide the financial status of the property: mortgage data, loans, liens against, tax assessment info, bank info, etc.. It's one search, one price, and it’s P.I. Verified, meaning the search is done by a skilled, licensed investigative firm and conducted with a database that is only available to licenced investigators and law enforcement. No data brokers, no old, garbage data. Real information in real time, guaranteed.
* The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires each of the nationwide credit reporting companies (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) to provide you with a free copy of your credit report, at your request, once every 12 months. Do not pay for a credit report when you don’t have to!